Clinical Teacher - MSc in Endodontology
Will is a general dental practitioner with a special interest in Endodontics, working in a high end private referral practice in Leyland, Lancashire accepting referrals from local practitioners for restoratively compromised teeth and difficult endodontic cases. He completed the highly regarded clinical MSc in Endodontology at the University of Central Lancashire in 2023, graduating with distinction, and was awarded the DentsplySirona Postgraduate Endodontics award 2023 for the highest overall grade, under the supervision of consultant in Endodontics, Dr Shalini Kanagasingam. He continues to collaborate with Shalini and the team at UCLan in running postgraduate lectures, webinars, and CPD events, as well as contributing to the teaching programme in Endodontics at UCLan for the undergraduate and masters students. Will has a keen interest in restorative dentistry too, and enjoys using advanced rubber dam and restorative skills to give severely broken down teeth a second chance.