The Maasai

The Maasai are a semi-nomadic people rich in tradition and culture living across the borders of Kenya and Tanzania. They are in a time of great uncertainty and change as they are forced to adapt to settling in one place. As a result of a rapidly changing lifestyle and culture; the Maasai have become a marginalized community that suffers from increasing poverty, a lack of health care facilities and a good education.

The Marais Family

Hennie and Becca left the comfort of their London lifestyle with their three young children- Jasmine, Caleb and Taliah – to come, live and serve among this remote community of Maasai. With a background in art Becca adapted her skills to work alongside the women designing jewellery. She was able to adapt the women’s traditional skills in beadwork into beautiful jewellery pieces for a western market, which is now selling in and around Europe, Australia, South Africa and the US. Hennie is South African and has lived in London and worked for New Wine for several years before coming out to Kenya. His passion lies in Bible teaching and he quickly gathered the Maasai team together to grow deeper with God and lead them to a place where God’s kingdom became the focus. Hennie manages the School, Medical Clinic, Farming and Water Projects. He is in the process of training and empowering the Maasai to take on the leadership of these projects.

RedTribe projects

Maasai Academy was started by a few concerned parents and a caring Pastor in the community. He started teaching with little or no resources in the local church building. RedTribe has got behind this venture and the school has grown from 6 children and 1 teacher- to 222 children with 12 teachers, 9 classrooms, a sports field, kitchen, food store and a daily feeding program.

We hope to continue to grow the school by developing the teachers, building dormitories an IT room and library plus accommodation for teachers.

We hope to create more sustainability through sponsorship and income generation.

Maasai Clinic partners with Starfish Clinic Project International (a UK based charity) with the aim of helping eliminate preventable illnesses and deaths by providing medical care and education. The clinic is run by Florence –a highly qualified nurse who has been trained to carry out a wide range of treatments from dentistry to midwifery as well as her more usual treatments. She carries out an educational program where she visits the local schools and teaches about relevant health issues and how to prevent disease. She has particularly focused on HIV education over the past few years.

In the near future, we hope to build a purpose built health facility with a treatment room, dental unit, blood testing, X-ray and a drug store. Florence aims to visit every village in order to collect relevant data and health information. We hope to use these to identify needs and disease trends so that we can educate and move towards prevention rather than treatment.

RedTribe beadwork was started with just one widow and a few beads. The project has grown to 20 marginalized Maasai women and a manager. We have just completed a purpose built house so that the project can grow. With the profits generated, RedTribe is able to pay the salary of a female teacher in the Maasai academy as well as provide a sustainable income for the women and their families in the project.

RedTribe would love you to join us on this exciting journey -changing lives, bringing hope and a good future to this marginalized Maasai community.

Become a friend of Maasai Academy and create an opportunity for a child to reach his or her full potential…

Become a friend of Maasai Clinic and save a life….

Buy a beautiful piece of jewellery from RedTribe beadwork and empower women to change their community…

You can do this by giving to RedTribe UK and going to our online shop to make a purchase!

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Alternatively to make a donation to one of our projects you can use out Bank Details below.

Bank: Barclays Plc
Account name: RedTribe
Sort code: 20-27-48
Account number: 73301672

RedTribe registered charity number 1129481

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Please send us an email after you’ve donated telling us which of our projects you’d like to support so that we can keep you updated on progress and thank you personally!